BEAUTY Current Issue

The One Product Your Skin (and Hair) Needs This Winter

Argan Oil.

It’s the new “everything” oil for your skin, hair, and nails.

When I discovered this multi-tasking oil, I immediately purchased a larger bottle. It’s a facial moisturizer, body moisturizer, hair masque, and hair serum all in one. It’s also non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog your pores (huge win!). 


The winter can cause all kinds of dry skin. This is a fragrance-free, non-comedogenic, multi-tasking, clean-beauty product!

I use this one (it’s less than $15!) I can order through amazon. I always use organic oils! 

As a facial oil, I use this as the last step in my beauty routine. This is because the oil locks in and seals the rest of my beauty routine underneath.  Great for sensitive skin, this makes my skin feel smooth in the mornings after wearing it all night without breaking me out. It’s a clean addition to anyone’s beauty routine that can help combat pesky dryness in the wintertime (even if you have oily skin like me)! I use it at night. 

Let me know your thoughts and tell me your favorite wintertime oils! 

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