Current Issue HONESTY

The Reason I Gave Up My Professional Modeling Career

I’m a nanny right now.

If you would have asked me years ago if I ever saw this as one of my job titles, I would have said an emphatic, “no!” This was never on my radar, but apparently, it was on the Lord’s. He has used this job to grow me, probably in more ways than I can fathom.  I know many thought this was a step down in the career ladder compared to the “glamorous modeling world,” however, I don’t see it as a step down, but rather, as a step up.  Why? Because I am doing the will of my Father.  “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)

If you would’ve asked me years ago if I ever saw this as one of my job titles, I would have said…”no”

I could have continued to model and ignored the Holy Spirit’s promptings.  I could have stayed when I knew God was calling me out, but I chose to surrender my will for His.  Was it easy? No, but my heart’s desire is always to be in alignment with His will. He doesn’t call me to understand His incomprehensible ways.  He calls me to obey Him even when I don’t understand him.  “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17)

“I chose to surrender my will for His.”

I want to encourage you to always be sensitive to that still small voice and do His will even when you don’t understand.

“Be willing to be the clay… teachable, correctable, and reprovable.”

God may call you to something for a time and a season that seems opposite to your calling and opposite to your purpose. He will use it in the future.  He has a purpose for everything He does and nothing is wasted.  Be willing to be the clay… teachable, correctable, and reprovable and let Him make you more glorious because you are being conformed into His image. This season won’t last forever.  Embrace it knowing He has a purpose and plan and in due time, He will reveal it.  Onward and upward friends!

“God may call you to something for a time that seems opposite to your purpose. Embrace it knowing He has a purpose and plan.”

Shannon Stewart Ratliff (Model, ANTM Season 1, All-Star)

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